Summer 2018 - Annual Pat Ceresoli Benefit Spaghetti Dinner- Aug 17th
The Pat Ceresoli Annual Spaghetti Benefit Dinner is the largest fund raising activity for the Gateway Museum in the calendar year.
This year the raffle tickets were sold for 9 different gift baskets that were donated by local businesses and friends of the museum Our popular dinner drew a record crowd of over 200 people. Don Ceresoli and his family provided the food and food preparation for the event. Outstanding taste! Don you are the best ! Our volunteers went the extra mile to provide great customer service. We can confidently say- everyone had a good time. As an added treat- the museum displayed the bar top from the former Harbor Inn that Don Ceresoli owned and operated for over 30 years. Wonderful pictures and memories of the Inn were buried in that bar top and available for all to see. The Gateway Museum greatly appreciates the great turnout and support from the community. Thank you Morristown and Thank you Morristown Fire Department for making the Fire Department kitchen and dining facilities available for this event We look forward to seeing everyone next year |